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Gwinn Lions

The Gwinn Lions Club is a nonprofit organization that has been serving the Gwinn community since 1952. This organization raises money to give back to the local community for a variety of needs which includes but is not limited to Leader Dogs for the Blind, Bay Cliff Health Camp, Childhood Cancer, and Project Kids Sight. The Gwinn Lions Club has a variety of events to help raise money to give back to the community. When the local Chamber of Commerce disbanded the Lions Club decided to take on organizing this event to allow this family friendly event to continue and to use it as an opportunity to raise funds so we can continue to give back to the community. We encourage you to support Fun Daze monetarily if able but most definitely with your presence at Fun Daze.


See you there!

Gwinn Lions Club


If you would like to learn more about Lions click HERE!


If you are interested in sponsoring an antique car, truck, tractor please contact Bill Rowe at 906-346-9278.  It is $25 and your name or business name is on the vehicle the entire car show and you get a thank you in the Mining Journal, Gwinn Quarterly, on the Gwinn Lions Fun Daze web page and you will receive a poster with a picture of the vehicle you sponsored.

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If you are interested in being a race sponsor please contact Kris Patterson at 906-362-0202 or It is $100 for small logo and $200 large logo on race t-shirt.  We are also looking for prizes, finish line snacks, and water donations. All sponsors will get a thank you in the Mining Journal, Gwinn Quarterly, and on the Gwinn Lions Fun Daze web page!

Support Fun Daze

Please click the donation button for general donations to help support Gwinn Fun Daze.  Gwinn Lions Club is a nonprofit organization.  If you make a donation you will get a thank you in the Mining Journal, Gwinn Quarterly, and on the Gwinn Lions Fun Daze web page.

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