Antique Car, Truck, Tractor, Snowmobile and Chain Saw Show
Details for Public
This car show includes 1997 and older. You will have the opportunity to vote for your favorite entries.
Noorden Park across the walking bridge
10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
If interested in sponsoring a car please for to the SPONSOR page for more information.
Details for Participants
Dash plaque for first 50 entrants
People's choice judging
Best in Show Trophies:
Cars and trucks 1934 and older
Cars and trucks 1935 thru 1960
Cars and Trucks 1961 thru 1996
Tractors 1997 and older
Trophies and door prizes awarded at 2:30 pm
Entrants are invited to enter their cars in the parade.
Someone at the corner by the Gilbert School will direct you to the line-up spot.
Line-up time is 9:00 a.m. and parade at 10:00.
Car show is free to all participants.
If you are interested in being in the parade please contact Kris Patterson at 906-362-0202 or email at
How to Register
If you would like to enter a car, truck, or tractor in the Fun Daze show, just arrive and register at the booth by the Gwinn High School parking lot. For more information, contact Bill Rowe at 906-346-9278 or email